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Workplace Financial Wellness Program

What do we mean by Financial Education?

Financial education is the teaching of various financial skills to achieve financial literacy. In other words, it’s about understanding what it takes to manage your personal finances, how to budget effectively, and what it means to invest your money. Current trends and biased media coverage is creating extreme uncertainty in todays financial landscape and education is the key to combating it. 

If your employees are financially literate, they will have a positive relationship with money. Financial education equips your team with the knowledge to make better financial decisions, leading to more stability in their personal lives, and their work lives.

In our current cost of living crisis, and the economic environment, providing employees with the tools to become financially literate is more important than ever. 

Why is financial education important for your employees?

Poor levels of financial education have frightening consequences, both at small and large-scale levels. Unfortunately there are very few options to find information specific to each situation. 

When you have a solid level of financial education, you can make responsible choices when faced with questions like: 

  • What kind of holiday can I take this year? Can I even take one?

  • Which mortgage should I get?

  • How much money can I afford to spend each month? 

  • How can I plan for my retirement?

  • How do I protect my current situation?

Due to poor financial education, many people do not have the level of control over their expenses that keeps them comfortable. This leaves them unaware of financial risks and are not able to fully prepare for emergencies. With global events such as pandemics and recessions leading to mass layoffs and a huge dive in income, poor financial management can lead to crippling debt, poor credit, and loss of assets. All of this creates a stressed and unproductive employee.

Put simply, financial education can give your employees the tools to be prepared in all areas of personal finance. 

How does employee financial education help businesses?

Offering financial education can be a great benefit to not only your employees, but to your company as well.

Employees will get professional advice on how to better manage their money, so they’ll feel like their pay is going further, improving their satisfaction with their compensation. On top of that, financial stress at home can have a direct impact on work performance–so taking care of their financial worries can help boost productivity, too.

Free professional financial advice is not a common employee benefit, so offering it to your employees will offer a competitive advantage when attracting the best possible talent. Offering financial advice through our service gives you and your employees unmatched support at every step of the financial plan building process.


Request a consultation with one of our consultants to help you find the perfect package for your team and get access to everything needed to help your employees live a more enjoyable life. 

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